Tuesday, 30 October 2012

More about meat quality from Dr Steph

We learnt so much about meat quality from our visit by Steph Fowler who is a Young Farming Champion for 2012. She has has a great video that explains more about meat quality on You Tube. You can see it by following the link::

Young Farming Champion Steph Fowler teaching us about innovation in meat processing.

Steph is passionate about her work

Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Sustainability at our farm

Our weekly farm produce stall
Our most productive enterprise that we run at our school farm is the chicken yard. We produce around 10 dozen eggs a week. Our Junior Student Representative Council runs a food stall each week at school where they sell eggs, vegetables, herbs, fruit and flowers that have been produced at the farm. The money they raise is put back into the running costs of the farm.

We have compost heaps and worm farms that are used to recycle green waste into rich sources of soil conditioners and fertilisers. Some of the schools waste paper is also composted. We also have rainwater tanks installed around the school and farm.

We have recently hatched baby New Hampshire chicks in the incubator at school. We are trying to improve the genetics of our chickens and hope to get a strong New Hampshire Breeding line going. Some of our Archi team members wanted to share them with you.

We are proud of the fact that we are working to make our farm more productive and growing food that is eaten by our very local community. This is a sustainable way to produce food with a low carbon footprint because there is no transportation, processing or packaging required.

The Junior SRC selling farm produce

some of these New Hampshire chicks are only a day old



A day old chick nestling in Victoria's jumper


Hannah and Shannon

Our layers at work

Monday, 22 October 2012

Positive light for the Australian Beef Industry.

Over the past 18 months or more the Australian Beef Industry has been receiving a lot of bad publicity in the media, over issues of animal welfare and the live cattle export industry. Whilst Australian beef producers appreciate the need for strict animal welfare regulations, the industry has been hit hard by the bans.

We thought we would include some links to very recent information about meat processing where animal welfare is of the greatest importance. These are stories that contain positive messages about our beef producers and processors in Australia.

The first story is about a meat processing plant in Gipsland in Victoria. This farm and abbatoir are using innovative technologies to increase their efficiency. Their effluent water recycling scheme is fantastic innovation and critical to their need to use 100 000 litres of water a day. They even convert the sawdust from the resting pens into compost so that nothing is wasted!

You can see this report by going to this link:

This next story is about veal production and how one dairy farmer is getting more out of his male dairy calves by fattening them for sale as prime veal. This is an innovative way for a dairy enterprise to increase its efficiency and profitability by developing a market for an otherwise valueless comodity.

You can see this report by going to the following link:

The next story is about the effects of the bans on live cattle exports to Indonesia after the reported animal welfare issues but also really gives you an apprecitation of the desire for Australian beef producers to be able to ensure that their cattle are slaughtered humanely. There is also some excellent information about the beef industry in the Northern parts of Australia. Please take note of the warning we have made about this story. The graphic images are only very brief and are not the focus of the content.

 A warning that there are some graphic images of animal slaughter in this video that may disturb some people.


Mrs Pain with some of the newly hatched chicks from the farm

Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Talking to Shoalhaven Farmers

The team at the school farm
 We thought it would be a good idea to learn more about our local beef industry in the Shoalhaven. Here on the South Coast we have lots of small farms and because of the high rainfall and pockets of fertile soil, there is good pasture growth which supports a strong dairy industry. We wanted to learn more about the challenges that farmers face when running a beef enterprise in the Shoalhaven.

So we got in contact with Andrew Britton from the Small Farms network who put us onto an organisation called the Shoalhaven Beef Producers Association. They are an organisation that local farmers can join to learn more about all aspects of farming beef cattle and work together to establish a local market for their product. This would certainly reduce the carbon footprint of the beef consumed in the Shoalhaven  by farming and selling the product locally.

About the Small Farms Network
The Small Farms Network was created in 2004 in partnership with Southern Councils Group, Southern Rivers Catchment Management Authority and NSW DPI. The Small Farms Coordinator position is funded by the Southern Rivers CMA from Commonwealth funding designed to help support community groups and landholders access services and advice to undertake sustainable land management.
The Network's primary role is to organise and deliver training/workshops on sustainable land management, including weed control, pasture, livestock, vegetation and water management. Workshops are generally landholder driven from surveys and feedback provided to the Coordinator. Since 2007, members have sought more advice and training on local food production in an attempt to reduce their carbon footprint.
The development of on ground projects is also an important role for the Network. The Network actively seeks funding to help deliver on farm projects for our members. Between 2004 and 2009, a total of $790,000 has been recieved for rural landholders in the region for projects and training.
Currently there are over 780 members supported through the Small Farms Network. Membership is free and is open to all rural and urban landholders who are interested in sustainable and productive land management.

The Shoalhaven Beef Producers' Assocation is a Not-for Profit organisation and was created in October 2009 to meet the increasing education and production needs of Beef Producers in the wider Shoalhaven District and environs including the Southern Highlands, Milton, Berry and Kiama.
Key Objectives:
  • Representative body for beef producers on the South Coast and Southern Highlands
  • Improve profitability and quality of beef production
  • Provide education and learning programs
  • Networking opportunities
For more information on the Shoalhaven Beef Producers Association contact Simon Hart on Email: secretary@shoalhavenbeef.asn.au

Victoria interviewing Janelle from the Shoalhaven Beef Producers' Association.

Henry and Janelle meet Sweetie Meaty Pie

Marni interviewing Henry Goodall
 Through this network we were also very lucky to get in contact with Henry Goodall who is the property manager at Bundanon. This property which is located on the banks of the Shoalhaven River, was entrusted to the nation by Australia's famous artist Arthur Boyd. Bundanon is an important place for the development of many disciplines of the arts and is also run as a commercial farming enterprise with beef cattle. There are many different education programs run at Bundanon.

When we start our video editing next week, we will be able to upload some of the interviews. Stay tuned.............................

Monday, 15 October 2012

Sustainability and the Australian beef industry

The Australian beef industry

For an agricultural system to be sustainable, it also needs to be adaptable and to be prepared for change.

The Australian beef supply chain

Management issues for today’s beef producer

Beef production in Australia today is a complex business. The European methods of farming that were initially introduced to this country have had to be modified to allow for the unreliable nature of Australia’s climate, and its very different soils and vegetation. Market forces have changed considerably in the last couple of decades, and consumers now demand natural food which is free of chemicals and is produced without detriment to the environment or to the welfare of animals.
Beef producers need to have a wide understanding of many factors if they wish to build and maintain a successful, sustainable business:
  • ·         sustainable pasture management;
  • ·         maintenance of biodiversity;
  • ·         soil management;
  • ·         water management;
  • ·         minimisation of greenhouse gas emissions;
  •            minimisation of offensive odours and dust;
  • ·         efficient use of other resources such as fuel;
  • ·         good stock management, taking animal welfare into consideration;
  • ·         responsible use of chemicals;
  • ·         property management planning, including good risk management, with enterprise flexibility   which enables adaptation to changing markets;
  • ·         good monitoring and recording systems which gather useful information about the enterprise and allow assessment of financial and environmental sustainability;
  • ·         good community relationships and perceptions.
  • ·         air management:

    Beef production is Australia’s second largest agricultural industry.

·         Each year the industry injects over $16 billion into the nation's economy and employs over 172,000 people
·         Each year the cattle and sheep industry in collaboration with the Australian Government, invests over $13 million in research and development to further reduce our environmental impact
·         Australian meat is produced with one of the lowest carbon emission profiles of any major meat producing country in the world

In 2006–07, the gross value of
production, including live cattle exports, was $7.99 billion.

Australian beef land use

The industry extends over almost half of Australia’s land mass across all climatic zones and is Australia’s most extensive industry. This means that environmentally it has a closer association with moreof Australia’s land resources than any other agricultural industry.

Similarly, in economic and social terms, the beef industry relates to more rural and regional
communities, including Indigenous Australians, than any other industry.

The total number of beef cattle at June 2007 was 25.6 million.

To run a sustainable enterprise, producers need to:
  • ·         have a farm plan which includes clear business goals;
  • ·         ensure the enterprise is economically viable;
  • ·         actively seek, interpret and use advice and new information;
  • ·         have flexible management strategies to meet variations in climate and markets;
  • ·         ensure that their product meets market requirements;
  • ·         ensure that their production system meets consumer expectations in terms of animal welfare and demonstrated care for the environment;
  • ·         have no visible signs of land degradation on their property (or, if there are signs, be in the process of reversing any land degradation that has occurred);
  • ·         conserve areas of native vegetation on their property.
The producer’s aim should be the profitable production, in the most humane and efficient way possible (best management practice), of a safe, consistent, high quality product, while maintaining or enhancing the quality of resources and conserving the natural environment.
Most beef producers would not knowingly do anything that would degrade the resources on which their livelihoods depend. But not everyone is aware of the possible long-term consequences of some management practices that were developed before we fully appreciated many of the issues raised above.


Key beef industry players are engaged in a new global and Australian initiative to move existing beef production practices onto a sustainable footing.
The beef industry will move towards sustainability by:
§  reducing air and water pollution, including greenhouse gas emissions 
  • §  preventing habitat loss

    • §  restoring the health of lands and waters that support beef cattle  

      • §  putting in place the highest standards for animal welfare all along the supply chain.

      • WWF and their global partners MacDonald's, JBS, Cargill and Intervet, are now holding regular meetings, in Australia and in other countries, to promote beef production practices that help restore the health of land and water - the natural ecosystems that support beef cattle.
        One of the innovations currently under investigation is the use of satellites to track cattle stock and to report on the condition of land and pasture. This initiative, if implemented, will bring a new level of precision and sophistication to beef production. It will also bring down the costs of operating sustainably and provide an important case study for other agricultural industries to learn from.

        Signposts for Australian Agriculture

        Signposts for Australian Agriculture (Signposts) is a partnership between industry, government and research organisations. It provides access to economic, social and environmental data specific to an industry in order to inform policy development, strategic decision making and research priorities.
        Signposts reports on the contributions of agricultural industries to ecologically sustainable development. It does this by examining how an industry’s assets are changing over time and how the industry is affecting assets held by others.

        Productivity for the beef industry shows an overall increasing trend since the late 1970s, with the average productivity growth being 1.4% per year. Productivity growth has been
        achieved through:

        • advanced breeding genetics
        • improved herd, pasture and disease management
        • the advent of lot feeding in turning off cattle
        • the development of the live cattle trade
        • stimulating higher weaning rates and
        • lower age of turnoff in northern herds.
        The beef industry has exported an average of 65% of annual beef and veal production since 2000. In international terms, it outperforms other countries in export sales from a small
        production base.

        Policy and management responses

        Decreasing commodity prices (in real terms how much the farmer receives) and increasing input prices mean that the beef industry is under constant pressure to increase the efficiency of production in order to maintain viable levels of business profitability.

        Meat & Livestock Australia (MLA) has identified the need for the whole red meat industry to enhance its competitiveness and sustainability as a strategic imperative.

        MLA’s research indicates that ‘high feed efficiency cattle can produce 15% less methane and 17% less nitrous oxide per day than inefficient cattle’.

        Environmental overview
        Industry assets

        The beef industry is Australia’s most extensive agricultural industry in terms of the proportion of the Australian landscape where cattle are raised. The industry is managed to match the environment in which it exists.
        Biodiversity in existence on beef farms is an asset of the industry that may also provide services that others benefit from. From the industry’s perspective, biodiversity is identified
        by MLA as a priority natural resource management issue for the red meat industry.
        Beef producers have responded to the challenge of
        biodiversity conservation by:

        taking areas out of production in order to revegetate
      • fencing remnant and revegetated areas to exclude stock and feral animals
      • planting tree belts to protect stock and provide shelter for native fauna.

      • Emissions of greenhouse gases from beef production have been declining steadily since 1995.

        By ceasing broadscale land clearing, the industry has made a major contribution to greenhouse gas mitigation. These savings more than offset the total gross emissions attributedto the beef industry in 2005.

        Maintaining areas of conservation significance is applicable to around 90% of the surveyed beef cattle farms, and the practice has been adopted on around 50% of farms.

        The industry gives high priority to water use. MLA is undertaking a 2-year on-farm ‘life cycle analysis’ study that will provide accurate figures on the amount of water and energy used to produce a kilogram of beef.

        Producers are increasingly using effective tools to match fertiliser application to plant needs.

        Problems of salinity, acidity and erosion that reduce soil fertility are high priorities for the industry and are being addressed at the farm, catchment and landscape levels.

        Key industry bodies:

         Cattle Council of Australia
      •  Australian Lot Feeders Association
      •  Meat & Livestock Australia (MLA)
      •  Beef Cooperative Research Centre

      • In social terms, the extensive distribution of beef production means the industry relates to more
        rural and regional communities, including Indigenous Australians, than any other industry.

        Recent news reports about sustainability in the Australian Beef Industry

        Emissions down by 6.5% per kilogram of beef produced in Australia
        • Australia's beef industry has consistently reduced emissions intensity for producing beef since 1990
        • An environment debate was held today with high profile environmental experts debating the topic 'Can red meat be green?' including Tim Flannery, Corey Watts and Arron Wood
        • The debate and recent release of the www.RedMeatGreenFacts.com.au demonstrates the industry's transparency and commitment to debate on continual improvement in environmental performance  
        Meat and Livestock Australia (MLA) today announced that the Australian beef industry has achieved a 6.5% reduction in emissions per kilogram of beef produced since Kyoto protocol reporting began in 1990[1].
        The announcement came at an environment debate titled 'Can Red Meat Be Green?' that featured leading environmentalists, including Tim Flannery, Corey Watts and Arron Wood.
        Speaking at the debate, MLA's Managing Director David Palmer said that the industry had been focussed on increasing productivity whilst reducing emissions.
        "A reduction in emissions per kilogram of beef produced is a great achievement for Australian cattle farmers. The Australian beef industry has increased production by 25.4% over the same period, which demonstrates that we are able to produce more beef with less emissions", said David Palmer.
        The debate was held at the University of Queensland for local high school and university students as well as members of the general public, who were given the opportunity to hear from, and ask questions, of the panel members:
        •  Tim Flannery, High profile environmentalist and Australian of the Year 2007
        •  Arron Wood, Young Australian of the Year for Environment in 2001 and United Nations Individual Award for Outstanding Service to the Environment in   2006
        •  Corey Watts, Regional Projects Manager, The Climate Institute
        •   Michael Lyons, Queensland beef farmer
        •   Beverley Henry, Manager Environment, Sustainability & Climate Change from Meat & Livestock Australia
        Professor Tim Flannery discussed his belief that cattle managed in the right way can be part of the solution.
        "I believe that in a world facing a food shortage and a climate crisis, that livestock represent a potent weapon in the fight to stabilise our climate," Professor Flannery said.
        Australian red meat uses less carbon
        A study undertaken by the University of New South Wales, to be published in the Environmental Science &Technology Journal, has revealed that Australian red meat production is much more efficient than often reported.
        The three year Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) study across three production systems in Victoria, New South Wales and Western Australia has shown that the carbon emissions from sheep and cattle meat production were amongst the lowest in the world.
        Based on figures from the research, eating red meat three times a week results in between 164kg* to 258kg**of carbon dioxide equivalent emissions a year - vastly different to figures quoted that claim up to 1.5 tonnes.
        Meat & Livestock Australia's (MLA) Managing Director, David Palmer said that this credible and reliable data gave an accurate reflection of carbon emissions for Australia's unique production systems.
        "Most Australian cattle and sheep are raised in a natural environment feeding on pastures with little or no use of fertilizers and it is unfortunate that until now inaccurate and exaggerated figures have been used".
        "These Australian figures enable us to start having a more meaningful discussion about the industry's environmental impact